Bihar Board Class 12th English Grammar Important Notes PDF Download(Voice-Active and Passive Voice), Class 12th English grammar notes voice

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Bihar Board Class 12th English Grammar Important Notes PDF Download(Voice-Active and Passive Voice):- प्रिय  विद्यार्थी यदि आप Bihar Board से Class 12th का Board Exam देने वाले हैं और Bihar Board English 100 Marks मे अच्छा नंबर लाना चाहते हैं तो आप सभी के लिए Drishti Classes, English Grammar Chapter Wise Important Notes  लेकर आया हैं। जिससे BSEB Class 12th में पढ़ रहे विद्यार्थी अधिक से अधिक अंक प्राप्त कर सके | Class 12th Bihar Board English 100 Marks || Voice  PDF :- Click Here


Bihar Board Class 12th English Grammar Important Notes PDF Download(Voice-Active and Passive Voice)


Voice किसी वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Verb का वह रूप है, जो यह दिखाता है कि या तो कर्ता कुछ करता है या स्वयं कर्ता पर ही कुछ घटित होता है ।

इन वाक्यों को देखें

1. Ram is beating.

2. Ram is being beaten.

पहले वाक्य में कर्ता(Subject) Ram है, जो क्रिया का संपादन कर रहा है— किसी को पीट रहा है। अर्थात् Ram यानी कर्ता सक्रिय (active) है। इसलिए इस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त क्रिया is beating को Active Voice में होना समझा जाएगा। दूसरे वाक्य में भी कर्ता(Subject) Ram ही है, परंतु यहाँ Ram पीट नहीं रहा है बल्कि खुद पीटा जा रहा है । अर्थात् कर्ता इस वाक्य में doer नहीं है सिर्फ receiver of the action है। स्पष्टतः यहाँ कर्ता निष्क्रिय (passive) है। इसलिए इस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त क्रिया is being beaten को Passive Voice में होना समझा जाएगा।

Voice दो प्रकार के होते हैं

Active Voice

A verb is said to be in the active voice when its form shows that the person or thing denoted by the subject does something.

Passive Voice

A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.

Note: वस्तुतः Voice Verb का होता है, परंतु sentence / clause में प्रयुक्त verb अगर Active Voice में रहता है, तो sentence / clause को भी Active Voice में होना समझा जाता है। अगर प्रयुक्त Verb Passive Voice में रहता है, तो sentence / clause को भी Passive Voice में होना समझा जाता है ।

Use of Passive Voice

किसी वाक्य का construction Active Voice में हो या Passive Voice में, इसका निर्णय इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि हम किस पर ज्यादा जोर देना चाहते हैं या हम किससे ज्यादा interested हैं या किससे वाक्य को शुरू करना ज्यादा natural/proper/convincing है. -doer of the action T receiver of the action | अगर doer of the action वस्तु-स्थिति को स्पष्ट करने के लिए ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है, तो Active Voice का प्रयोग होगा और अगर Verb activity/ object/receiver of the action ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है, तो Passive Voice का प्रयोग होगा ।

अगर आप doer of the action का उल्लेख नहीं करना चाहते हों या doer of the action unknown / vague / common figure हो, तो Passive Construction ही ज्यादा उपयुक्त होगा ।

इस प्रकार Passive Voice का प्रयोग होने पर doer of the action importance कम हो जाता है या समाप्त ही हो जाता है। हमारा main interest receiver of the action तथा verb activity पर चला जाता है।

Passive Verb Form

किसी Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए अभीष्ट Main Verb को Past Participle में बदलते हैं और उसके पहले Verb to be’ का प्रयोग उपयुक्त Number, Person तथा Tense में करते हैं ।

Voice के interchanging करते समय Active Verb के Object को Passive Verb का Subject बना दिया जाता है तथा Active Verb के Subject को Passive Verb का agent बना दिया जाता है। अगर यह agent वाक्य के अर्थ / भाव को स्पष्ट करने के लिए आवश्यक हुआ, तो इसे clause के अंत में by या अन्य उपयुक्त preposition लगाकर रख दिया जाता है, अन्यथा इसका लोप कर दिया जाता है ।

Note 1. Active से Passive बनाते समय agent का प्रयोग तभी करें जब agent का प्रयोग वाक्य के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक हो। इस संदर्भ में कुछ विद्वानों ने यहाँ तक सलाह दी है कि ऐसे वाक्यों को सिर्फ Active Voice में ही प्रयोग करें, जिनके Passive में agent का प्रयोग करना आवश्यक हो, क्योंकि अगर agent को दर्शाना वाक्य के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए आवश्यक है, तो वैसे वाक्यों को Passive में लिखा ही क्यों जाए ? परंतु आप इतना ही याद रखें कि जब Active Verb का Subject one, someone, somebody, nobody, people या अन्य vague noun / pronoun में से कोई एक हो, तो Passive Verb के साथ इनका लोप हो जाता है। कुछ वाक्यों में I, we, you, they, he, she, a man, a boy जैसे agent को भी आवश्यकतानुसार Passive verb के साथ लोप कर दिया जाता है। अतः आप वाक्य के अर्थ को समझते हुए यह निर्णय लें कि अभीष्ट Passive Sentence में agent का प्रयोग आवश्यक है या नहीं ।

Note 2. केवल Transitive Verb का ही Passive Voice होता है। अतः इन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में नहीं हैं—

He is gone.

He is come.

They are arrived.

Winter is come.

परंतु इन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में हैं—

The chair is broken.

He is beaten.

इसलिए ऐसे वाक्यों के Verbs को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता हैं, जो Intransitive हैं । जैसे—

I am going to school.

I read in class X.

He has gone to Patna.

They are good boys.

अब भिन्न-भिन्न Tenses के Active Verbs को Passive में बदलने की प्रक्रिया पर विचार करें –

Present Indefinite Tense

[ Passive form: am/is/are + V³]

He helps me.I am helped by him.
I help you.You are helped by me.
She teaches you.You are taught by her.
We respect him.He is respected by us.
People speak Hindi in Bihar.Hindi is spoken in Bihar.
We expect good news.Good news is expected.

Present Continuous Tense

[Passive form: am/is/are + being + V³]

I am eating a mango.A mango is being eaten by me.
They are singing songs.Songs are being sung (by them).
They are repairing the bridge.The bridge is being repaired.
He is helping his mother.His mother is being helped by him.
They are discussing the matter.The matter is being discussed.

 Present Perfect Tense

[Passive form: have/has been + V³]

I have finished the work.The work has been finished by me.
He has beaten Ram.Ram has been beaten by him.
Ram has disturbed me. I have been disturbed by Ram..
Her sister has cheated her.She has been cheated by her sister
Someone has stolen my pen.My pen has been stolen.
He has always helped me.I have always been helped by him.
No one has seen him for the last ten years.He has not been seen for the last ten years.
Somebody has pushed the chair into the corner.The chair has been pushed into the corner.

 Present Perfect Continuous Tense

[ Passive form: have / has + been + being + V³]

They have been doing the research for years.The research has been being done for years.
We have been digging the well for ten years.The well has been being dug for ten years.

Note: Present Perfect Continuous Tense Passive form प्रयोग uncommon है, अर्थात् इसका प्रयोग नहीं के बराबर होता है । परंतु अगर आवश्यकतावश करना पड़े, तो ऊपर बताए गए तरीके से होगा। ऐसा कहना गलत है कि Present Perfect Continuous Tense का Passive form होता ही नहीं है।

 Past Indefinite Tense

[Passive form: was /were + V3 to sit]

I ate a mango.A mango was eaten by me.
I ate four mangoes.Four mangoes were eaten by me.
The police arrested him.He was arrested.
Someone stole my pen.My pen was stolen.
The peon opened the gate.The gate was opened by the peon.
He wrote the letters.The letters were written by him.
She beat you.You were beaten by her.
He wrote the letter beautifully.The letter was beautifully written.

Note: यदि Verb Passive Voice में हो, तो Adverb of Manner को उस Verb के पहले रखना चाहिए, जिसको वह modify करता है।

 Past Continuous Tense

[ Passive form: was / were + being + V³]

He was teaching me.I was being taught by him.
She was vexing him.He was being vexed by her.
He was watching them.They were being watched by him.
The doctor was examining  The patientsThe patients were being examined. patients.
They were killing animals for nothing. .Animals were being killed fornothing

Past Perfect Tense

[Passive form: had been + V³]

I had written the letter.The letter had been written byme
I had informed the police..The police had been informed by me.
Somebody had stolen my umbrella.My umbrella had been stolen.
They had warned us again and again.We had been warned again and again.
Ram had completed the work.The work had been completed by Ram.

 Past Perfect Continuous Tense

[ Passive form: had been being + V³]

The police had been following him for years.He had been being followed for years.


Note: Past Perfect Continuous Tense Passive Form uncommon है। अगर करना आवश्यक हो, तो ऊपर बताए गए तरीके से करें ।

Bihar Board Class 12th English Grammar Important Notes PDF Download(Voice-Active and Passive Voice) Simple Future Tense

[Passive form: shall / will + be + V³]

I shall help you.You will be helped by me.
She will teach me.I shall be taught by her.
He will do it.It will be done by him.
Ali will type it.It will be typed by Ali.
People will forget it.It will be forgotten.
We shall discuss the matter tomorrow.The matter will be discussed tomorrow.
We will execute all the orders promptly.All the orders will be promptly executed.
They will publish two books inJune.Two books will be published in June.

Future Continuous Tense

[ Passive form: shall / will be + being + V³]

I shall be doing this.This will be being done (by me).
They will be helping us.We shall be being helped.

Note: Future Continuous Tense passive form uncommon है। फिर भी अगर करना हो, तो ऊपर बताए गए तरीके से करें।

Future Perfect Tense 

[ Passive form: shall / will + have been + V³]

I shall have written the book.The book will have been writtenby me. 
The work will have been done by June 2020.They will have done the work by June 2020.
They will have informed us.We shall have been informed.
The government will have built ten thousand houses for the poor by the end of next yearTen thousand houses will have been built for the poor by the. end of next year.

 Future Perfect Continuous Tense

[Passive form: shall / will + have been being + V³]

We shall have been building thefort for five years.The fort will have been being built for five years.

Note: Future Perfect Continuous Tense passive voice uncommon है। अगर करना पड़े, तो ऊपर बताए गए तरीके से करें।

Modal Verbs: Passive Form

shall, will, can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought इत्यादि modal auxiliaries हैं। जब इनके बाद active verb रहता है, तब प्रयुक्त verb को passive में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित form का प्रयोग करते हैं—

[modal auxiliary + be + V³]

They will kill the bird.The bird will be killed (by them).
I can lift it.It can be lifted by me.
They could solve the problem.The problem could be solved.
He may defeat you.You may be defeated by him.
You must help your brother.Your brother must be helped.
One should keep one’s promises.Promises should be kept.
He could kill the bird.The bird could be killed by him.
We should help the poor.The poor should be helped.
None can challenge him.He cannot be challenged.
Anybody can easily break this stick.This stick can be easily broken.
We shall take her to hospital tomorrow.She will be taken to hospital wone tomorrow.
You must write the answers in ink.The answers must be written in ink.

Passive of Modal Auxiliary + have + V³

यदि Verb Phrase Active Voice modal auxiliary + have + V 3 हो, तो Passive Voice में इसका form होगा

modal auxiliary + have been + V3 –

We shall have discussed the matter.The matter will have been discussed.
You should have helped her.She should have been helped (by you).
I could have beaten her.She could have been beaten by me.
You must have done that.That must have been done by you.
They ought to have respected the priest.The priest ought to have been respected.
No one could possibly have known the fact.The fact could not possibly have been known.


15.यदि Verb Phrase am/is/are/was/were/ have/has/ had+infinitive (to + verb) हो, तो Passive Voice में इसका रूप होगा

[am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had + to be + V3]

I am to do it.It is to be done by me.
I was to do it.It was to be done by me.
I had to do it.It had to be done by me.
My father is to buy a car.A car is to be bought by my father.
The teacher was to teach us.We were to be taught by the teacher.

There + verb + noun (subject) + infinitive.

[Passive form: There + verb + noun + to be + V³]

There is no time to lose.There is no time to be lost.
There was a lot of work to do.There was a lot of work to be done
There is no money to waste.There is no money to be wasted.

It + verb + noun + infinitive + object.

It is time to take exercise.It is time for exercise to be taken.
It is now time to start the race.It is now time for the race to be started.
It is time to say our prayers.It is time for our prayers to be  said

 Imperative Sentences Expressing Order/Command

जब Imperative Sentence से order/command का बोध होता है, तब प्रयुक्त Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए Let से वाक्य शुरू किया जाता है और subject के बाद be + V3 का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे-

Do this work.Let this work be done.
Bring a glass of water.Let a glass of water be brought.
Open the door.Let the door be opened.
Switch on the radio. Let the radio be switched on.
Don’t pluck the flowers.Let the flowers not be plucked.
Inform the police of the accident.Let the police be informed of the accident.
Don’t touch this wire.Let this wire not be touched.
Give the order.Let the order be given..
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